Friday, December 11, 2015

Regional Convention July 30-August 2-A Special Guest

This year, our convention was at the Belleville Assembly Hall, one of my favorite places to be. It was the weekend after our Special Convention in Bulgaria so we had just enough time to rest up for this convention! It was nice to have the convention in our native language! And the air conditioning was a definite plus as well. One of the highlights of our convention was that Brother Lett of the Governing Body was attending our convention! This was pretty special because it's not like this convention was a Special convention or anything, it was just a regular regional convention. And on top of that, there had been conventions at Belleville every weekend that summer since the last weekend in May! Truly, what were the odds of having one of our Governing Body members, and his wife attend and speak at our convention? It was a remarkable coincidence and quite a blessing. There were only about 1,900-2,000 in attendance for that weekend so I knew my chances of getting the opportunity of meeting him were actually pretty good! I really wanted to meet him without getting carried away and giving him the paparazzi treatment lol ! I also didn't know exactly what I say if I had the chance! What do you say to Brother Lett?! I mean I know he's human like me but he's pretty cool! what I ended up doing was going to Kroger and buying a small card and 2 small boxes of chocolates, I put it in a small gift bag and I knew he would be his seat when the musical arrangement so I very discreetly gave it to him then. He graciously thanked me. I was happy, I don't think I actually said much to him at the time because I was nervous, but I had the chance to write what I wanted to say in the card.I was happy.
Al and I had the privilege of working in the Lost and Found Department at our convention this year, and one of our shifts was during the lunch intermission. A brother walked over to the counter and informed us that Brother Lett wanted to take a picture with the Lost and Found Department and to get our cameras out and ready! Wow!He came over to our Department and shook all of our hands and thanked us all for our hard work and then we took a picture with him,

 We actually got to take a picture with brother Lett? How cool! Again, I ask, what are the odds of him coming to take a picture with the Lost and found Department during my shift? Our shifts were no more than an hour, and that was the only day we'd been scheduled to work during lunch. This was a very memorable convention. This as you know was not the only reason our conventions this year was unique. There was so many wonderful videos that were used during the program. I felt they really enhanced the program and they made some of the Biblical illustrations really come to life.

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